After about 8 days of sailing across the Gulf of Mexico in the most inconsistent weather conditions imaginable and without one drop of land in sight, we have taken refuge in the small fishing village of San Felipe, Mexico along the Yucatan Peninsula. (the most perfect place on the place)
Sailing has certainly been an adventure to say the least. From dodging oil tankers to engine failures to exploding wind gernerators, its definitley been interesting. The first 3 days were completley windless so we were forced to motor day and night. At one point the winds became so glassy we decided to just stop for a swim about 300 miles from the nearest shore. It was nice but I kept imagining scenes from shark films embaressingly enough. The next 4-5 days it gusted up to about anywhere from 10-20 plus nots. Oh yea and this is right when our alternator broke and left us without any power until we arrived here, so thats like fiveish days. Yea try untangling the genoa from the spinnaker lines at 3am in 7-8 foot seas with just a flashlight...
The night shifts are about as great as imagined but they can be tough. A friend once told me the stars are the best at sea. He was right. I can usually find Orion´s Belt pretty easy, but out here there must be 50 Orion´s Belts. The milky way is pretty sweet too. The first 3 hours of the shift are usually nice, but I think we all find ourselves nodding off a little by the fourth. A dolphin might come by to wake you up sometimes.
Anyway our charts and gps failed us in bringing us to an inlet relativeley well. Does the make sense? We probabably got stuck 12 different times on sandbars somewhere last night off Mexico. We were eventually somewhat rescued by our new friend Juan in his panga.
The people here in San Felipe are the greatest human beings I have ever met in my whole life. Several guys committed their enitre day to getting us fixed and under way. Chucho, Mario, and Juan, and Flaco are few of the names I can remember. Flaco´s wife just got elected president of the village. So we got a new alternator, recharged our batteries, got more diesel, etc. Were in the process of patching our main sail. Tomorrow I think were gonna sail a little more east if we can get Shibumi off the bottom. Its only about 2.5ft deep everywhere we go and channels are nonexhistent, so leaving will certainly be an adventure.
Okay Im running out of time so I hope whatever I just wrote made sense. I want to thank everyone for their prayers. God has been so awesome in this experience. I apologize for not posting any photos. I have tons but I forgot my camera connector chord thinger. Otherwise things are good. The adventure is real and everything is rediculous.
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