
Sunday, April 24, 2011

this is a very good thing

Summer seems pretty much here and this is a very good thing. It is a time to feel completely free from everything society tells us to be. If you haven't yet, make it an important note to immediately forget what day and time it is. Go on every adventure God throws at you. Swim naked, grow a beard, build a fire, scream on your back porch, purchase a flight to somewhere you know nothing about, drive and sing with your windows down, sleep on the beach, build a fort, cook outside, learn a new instrument, smoke a cigar, make cut-offs out of your pants, steal (borrow) a golf cart, read a book, stop texting, road-trip, carve a tiki-man, eat a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich (or just invent one), talk to strangers, boogy in a place where nobody else has to a song that only you can hear, get completely lost, plant something, and of course never change out of your bathing suit. Anything else you feel like adding to this list it greatly appreciated. When you're old, reminiscing, and nostalgic, these will make awesome ridiculous memories, so take advantage of it!


  1. hey buddy..i love this, like alot..and YOU. but dang it no matter how hard i try i cant grow a daggum beard..i may never live :( any tips?

    with love,
    this one chik

  2. Hey Corazzzy sistaaaHHr Lady!! glad u liked it! im not sure if u could pull off a beard anyway but im sure you can pull off anything else on the list. Good to see the other day, i dig ur new bf too let me know how it goes!

  3. Word.

    Howabout: Get on a boat with a crazy captain and sail to bermuda?

    Wanna get me a job workin' on that boat with you?
    Ha....but seriously.

    Hope all is well man.

  4. Haha that sounds like a plan!, though you wanna make sure he is Australian and screams at inanimate objects: both key captain traits.

    I'm leaving for Alaska in week though so if u want my job on the Freedom you can probably have it. Here's their site:

    Good hearing from u man, hope ur still adventurin!
