
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

catalina brain bump

   Its been a while since my last post but I think its only because lately my brain has been a constant swarm of thoughts buzzing about like the Catalina yellow jackets that steal bites from my meals every day. (still can't believe they're carnivores). Though I guess I also seem to turn to my journal more often than my blog lately.
    So I have been living on this funny little island for almost 2 months now teaching sailing and being a camp counselor person on the side. They said I'm called a specialist so I try to go by that title more as it sounds oh so much sweeter. Owen, the specialist...
     Despite the bombardment of children and almost nonexistent time for escape, I have been able to do some thinking. The island has a weird of way of going about such business. Something about being separated from the mainland or "real world" (as they call it here) for so long, is that you get a chance to look at your life from a sort of distance. Does that make sense? I'm seeing myself as if I were a bird (a pelican preferably) who has observed my life thus far and now guesses at whats next based on previous observations and thought development.
A made a friend, Kenton from Virginia, who works out here. A few years ahead of me he too studied to be a teacher and after a series of adventures has moved to San Francisco where he now teaches. We were talking one night and he said, "I'm in my 20's. I figure I should live in a great city while I'm young." I thought about this statement for awhile. As long as I can remember, all I've ever wanted to do is leave. Forget the states, forget materials, and hopefully make some difference along the way. Well... I'm not about to say that's no longer a goal I  have anymore. I very much still do, but Kelton's words have taken some influence on me.  Maybe I should live in a great city where I can be a part of my generation, part of people's lives, and experience a new type of escape. You know at least just try it for a little while to test the waters a bit. I'm sure theres ways to help out in a city as well. Being a teacher likely has it benefits. Hmm..... of course these are only thoughts though. I firmly think its up to God to decide such matters, however I also believe He often uses people to sway us in these things.

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