
Friday, November 19, 2010

embrace the goofyness

            Sometimes I come about moments of deep reflection and realization that spring forth bits of knowledge and imagination that help me to further my understanding of what living really is. The moments come in many forms. Many times they can appear in conversation, other times it might occur while walking over a bridge. Certain types may appear in dreams, sleeping or not. What I seem to have gathered from these bits, is that often what makes life more worth itself, is embracing the pure and genuine idea, that in fact we are all goofy human beings. Some of us just have trouble accessing that goofyness or truly showing it. We can be afraid of what might happen to us if we do. However, it is that simple goofyness that can make a life great and interesting. Just closing your eyes and dancing to music (whether its coming out of speakers or just in your head) and letting your body quirk into ridiculous and strange maneuvers because at the moment its what feels right. This is a perfect way of tapping into that whimsical substance we all contain. Another example might come in the form of coloring on your wall or maybe trying to sound out the letters and numbers on somebody's license plate. What about chasing that armadillo around your yard even though you wouldn't know what to do if you caught him?
             If this is new to you, its okay to start small. Try wearing colorful socks that do not match or maybe learning to play the kazoo. You never know when it might come in handy. Once, my roommate and I ran around the front yard shouting in our boxers because we were so stoked that a cold-front had finally arrived and we suddenly felt urged not-to contain ourselves. Another good one is singing along, out loud to the song in your headphones while riding your bike down the street (a personal favorite of mine). You might also want start up a conversation with the guy stopped next to you at the red light.
            I guess what I'm conveying here, is that I feel like its the simple quirky things we do, alone or not, that take away that lectured "seriousness" we all have adapted to which more often than not is completely unnecessary. Am I making sense? I never know. I do not want to say we should entirely act like children. Its good to be mature about certain things. There will always be a need for that. However, I think there are so many other areas of our lives where acting irresponsible and goofy are needed. Too many people use "growing up" as an excuse for not having an imagination. In my experience of  "growing up,"(so far) its keeping an imagination that makes living interesting. Do things that have zero logic behind them and just embrace the freaking goofyness.