It is funny how one decision can effect or affect your entire expectation of a period of time. I attempted to find another boat but and the internet and marinas have proved rather useless in finding that.
In the mean time I have been back and forth between home and Annapolis, Maryland where I am now again. But it is funny. I spent about a month planning my summer with adventures and wild escapades in hope to get myself completely utterly lost and away from society. Instead I have found myself planted quite useless in busy upside-down towns with cars, potato chips, a cell phone, and my only income coming from the mowing of my girlfriend's grandparents yard.
However, I can say that even though my plans have completely changed, I have definitley enjoyed myself. It has been pretty "different," yea I guess thats the word that I think best fits how I feel. Anyway, its just that spending over a month living at my girlfriend's house with all her family has been kinda new to me. Oh and when I say all her family, I mean mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, grandparents, and don't forget the step family bits all mixed in living a short drive from one another. There is always someone around to meet. Its a unique set up they have and very fun one to be with at that. Just very different. Its a different flavor of adventure.
I did get to do some sailing this summer too. A bit on my Dad's boat Falcon, here in the Chesapeake and some more on a peculiar boat called Phat. The second sailboat is short and obese like its name and has an unstaid mast, which while I was aboard had me wondering how on earth it didn't fall over. I also did a little more sailing on a small two-sail laser with Kelsey.
I think that God has really been at working in giving some sort of lesson with all of this. I believe that because I was trying so desperately to go along with my own agenda that I was in fact avoiding His. See, I realize that God has a plan for all us and I'm sure everyone has heard that. The whole "there's no such thing as coincidence" and "everything happens for a reason" sayings I know aren't unfamiliar to anyone. But, how often do you really think about that? Like, when I began this summer I didn't ask, "I wonder what God has planned for me?" It was more like "So what do I want to do this summer?"
I notice that I make a lot of bad choices in a lot of things I do. I am smart, but I'll admit there are times where I can lack some serious common sense. Not too long ago I was spear fishing a wreck with a friend and we spotted some lobster. With very little consideration of the law or the years in jail we could face, we shot and ate several of them for dinner. Incase you're not aware of Florida's lobster penalties, shooting one with a spear out of season is about the equivalent of selling a pound of heroin to children and then buying guns for them.
It was delicious, but it didn't sit well with me.
If I am going anywhere with this, what I think I am attempting to say is that maybe when I do what I want, what I want is not always what is best for me. My choices can tend to be selfish and careless. I did not even stop to consider that a God who is willing to die a terrible undeserving death for me is certainly going to have my best interests in mind. I mean he created me, he knows me better than I ever will. He delights in me using the gifts and traits He created me with. Is it so bad to give yourself over to him?